Why You Should Consider Workplace Culture Before Taking the Leap
The startup mythology has its origins in the tales of geniuses like Walt Disney, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos’ going from small California garages to world domination. And the startup mystique became part of popular culture with Silicon Valley companies like Google and others creating workplace cultures where employees skateboarded down hallways, enjoyed yoga and meditation sessions onsite, and blew off steam with breaks at the company-provided vintage arcade and craft coffee bar.
These startup stereotypes bely a stark reality, however: Most startups are risky and operate on tighter budgets until they survive long enough to mature and raise ample funding.
If you get in at the right inflection point, the spoils of joining a startup can be life-changing. Regardless, leaving an established life science company for a bioscience startup is a tough decision defined by the high-risk, high-reward nature of these fledgling companies fighting to win funding and bring its product to the market.
For those in the early stages of their life science career, joining a bioscience startup could be a no brainer—there’s likely a lot less risk and so much more to gain. For the less experienced, stock options are not the only potential windfall; startup culture will likely furnish development opportunities to less-experienced workers not readily available to them in larger, established biotech or big pharma organizations.
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