The National Institutes of Health provides significant funding for drug development research to universities, companies, and organizations. Over the course of 2020, the NIH provided a significant amount of funding to the BioHealth Capital Region.
The top recipients of NIH funding in the BHCR were research universities, with Johns Hopkins University topping the list with $807,432,003 in financing for different research programs. The top 10 recipients of NIH funding in the BioHealth Capital Region secured more than $2.18 billion in financing. Life sciences organizations within the state of Maryland secured $2.3 billion in NIH funding, an increase from the $1.9 billion granted in 2019.
Since the year 2000 when life sciences companies within Maryland received $863 million, the state has seen significant growth in NIH funding, with Johns Hopkins alone surpassing that this year. In fact, the BHCR surpassed California’s Bay Area in NIH funding. Organizations across that important biotech region garnered $1.83 billion in NIH grant monies.
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