Brian K. Fitzgerald has served since 2005 as BHEF’s chief executive officer and developed long-term strategy for the membership organization. He is an internationally recognized leader in strategic business-higher education partnerships and innovative talent solutions. Under Dr. Fitzgerald’s leadership, BHEF’s National Higher Education and Workforce Initiative (HEWI) has emerged as the organization’s strategic enterprise. Through BHEF member collaboration, HEWI creates strategic partnerships between business and academic institutions to create new talent development models in high-skill emerging fields. BHEF presents insights from its partnerships in case studies, identifies workforce trends through its market intelligence publications and influences thought-leaders and policy makers through its public events.
Dr. Fitzgerald is widely published in domestic and international publications and while CEO has served on a number of commissions and working groups, most recently including the STEM working group for the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which produced the widely cited 2012 report to President Obama: Engage to Excel, and recently served on a National Academies of Science study group of undergraduate computer science enrollment.